Friday, October 5, 2018


 The HUMAN NEEDs of Which People are DEPRIVED!


---I don’t think folks realize the importance of being appreciated, being valued, loved, supported, cared for, etc. Folks don’t realize that a life without these key elements is like building a structure or a bridge with shoddy material and/or workmanship that won’t be able to withstand the weight and endurance the structure itself will go through during its’ existence. Eventually, it will come crashing down around itself.

---If we try to build a HUMAN life with shoddy materials and workmanship (the key elements that we spoke of in the last paragraph,) we, also, will be faced with a being who is shattered before his time unable to withstand the hurdles and pitfalls that come his/her way.

---The recipe of life has a healthy portion of the ingredients of love, support, being valued and being appreciated in it. There is NO scrimping on the materials (ingredients) necessary to create a good solid individual able to withstand all that life throws at him or her. Each time he/she interacts with love, being valued and being appreciated…the foundation ITSELF is strengthened and becomes more solid and stronger than it once was.

---Human needs are love, support, being valued and being appreciated. Self-knowledge, self-worth, self-esteem fit in there somewhere, also. If you treat everyone with KINDNESS all-the-time, then I'm sure that you do your part. BUT...herein lies the big rub - If these needs are not met convincingly, then we are usually faced with an individual who is seeking to get these needs met. He seems almost consumed with these needs. Addiction is NOT lurking too far away. When the HUMAN NEEDs are met, he then is ready to move up along Abraham Maslow's pyramid. Be Kind!.


Tuesday, February 27, 2018



---All human beings have both the male and female within. The Yin and Yang if you will. When the two are aligned properly, (perfect sexual coupling within,) then the offspring of the coupling becomes purity + love itself. To be in this state one must be very honest + pure to begin with. It renews the you that you are, with the new you of the coupling. This coupling continues to renew the you that you are and occurs while one remains in this pure state. One in a certain sense…marries himself/herself. To put it a better way, MARRIES The SELF. It is truly a state of SELF-ACCEPTANCE. It's easier to perceive than to live out of. A state of constant eternal growth if one is able to stay in this pure state. (Very Tantric!)