Sunday, April 9, 2017



---It becomes much like the character by Monty Python...Dennis Moore. He robs lupins when the poor needs medicine, etc. The poor shout, ''all you bring us is lupins. We're sick of bloody lupins. The house is filled with lupins. We eat, drink and sleep lupins. We feed the cat lupins. (The cat falls over and dies.) The payoff is that he starts bringing the poor more valubable items and they sell and become the rich. In the meantime the rich have become poor. Dennis learns that this redistribution of wealth is trickier than it looks. Response to the team is they are not losing, because they don't care and have stopped trying. It may look like that, but they still are. They care, but they are just NOT hitting. It is not about caring more or trying is really about getting back in the groove of hitting which seems to cycle back on its' own volition, because they are essentally good hitters. It is like Klay Thompson will probably still have more games where he is on fire and look like he can do NO wrong even though now we may question that at this point.